Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Down.......

Art is awesome! Got the ole schedules adjusted so everyone has a full one, and numbers got crunched and totaled so we can get an idea of the number of sections that need to be offered....that much closer to a master schedule! GOOD work Marcie! We worked on it pretty much all day long, it went faster than fast. We got to start going over the numbers with Tim. Will finish that tomorrow...what a week! Paxton and I ran into town for the last minute shopping item: a converter for the computer and camera plug-ins. It was the last thing that I am going to get...besides a book to read on the many hours of plane time that lie ahead! We also stopped and saw grandma and poppa before we came home. They were so cute. Grey's Anatomy is on right now. It's a new show about the car crash with Arizona and Callyopie. It is a little weird in that they (the actors) are SINGING songs during the episode. Weird. Kyle hates it. He is complaining and rolling his eyes big time!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday Down......

Today was a pretty good day. Got the rest of World History added to next years' seniors schedules and got the math and english classes switched if need be, and Marcie got the deficient lists built into requests also. We got to run the first batch of numbers for many requests for which we get to tweak any suspicious things we find and also get to look at numbers for sections. The next step will be to finalize what classes will be offered, and how many will be needed. Then the admin gets to decide who teaches what and then we will get to start in on making a MASTER SCHEDULE for next year. This process will take a good couple of weeks. Especially since we don't know budget-wise what will be happening for next year. It might take longer.

Had our last Art Trip meeting tonight. We will meet at the airport at the Delta checkin area at 4:00 Sunday morning. Wow! That's early!! Gonna go and stay the night before, just to help with traveling time. We will be on a plane from 7:00 a.m. Sunday morning until 10:00 a.m. Monday morning, Istanbul time! Can't even fathom how many actual hours we will be on the plane. 5-6 hours to New York, depending on flight patterns, etc. and then don't have a clue how long the flight is from New York to Istanbul, but one of the father's that was there said it was around an 11 hour flight. OMG. Get ready for a sore butt!!! Cramped legs!!! Clausterphobia!!! Xanax and Tylenol PM!!! But, we are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday Down.....

Loved this so here you go!! Here's a conversation this morning: Whitney: Do you know what I realized today??? Jennifer: What Whit? Whitney: Alison and I were talking this morning and I said to her: The number of days away from going to Europe now fits on one hand!! I'm SO EXCITED!! Jennifer: Me too!!! The kids are really starting to see that Sunday is coming...a reality!! Here we come Greece (and Turkey) Here we come! Today I got all of the juniors, next years seniors, schedules put in and now I am having to go back and add World History to all of those that haven't already taken it. We changed our social studies class for next year from Government AND Economics (2 separate classes worth 1 1/2 years of social studies credits) to Civics (1 class worth 1 year). Now those that are going on to college, which we are saying is EVERYONE!! needs to have a 1/2 year of World History to make up for the lost Economics credit. They are going to be so HAPPY!!! Not!! Oh well. Prepared for college they will be when I get done with them. HaHaHa!!! Got my Blog Books in the mail today. Haven't gotten to open the box yet because I have been working on Steve's FAFSA with him and then working on the last of my bookwork so that is all caught up and ready for me to leave for a couple of weeks. Leslie asked me what a blog book was so here is the answer.... I went to the website Blurb and made a book by downloading my blog onto their website and making it published in a book form. I did this for the 2008 year, the 2009 year and the 2010 year. I made a book last year for Briar of pictures that I had taken of he and Brianna. It was just a paperback book, about 20 pages or so. It turned out pretty cool. These books are hardback and a bit bigger, depending on the amount of pictures I put on my blog....which in 2009 was huge! That particular book is around 425+ pages. OK, I was getting excited about seeing them so I just opened up the package and they are AWESOME...well, ok, awesome to only me because they are my life but still....generations to come will be pouring over them, I'm sure of it!! LOL. Leaving on Saturday for Seattle.....the airport early Sunday morning....I'm leaving on a jet back in 13 days.....oh yeah, I'm ready to go!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Down.....

Can't really believe that we only have 5 more days until we pack up for Seattle and then Istanbul. The time is coming quickly!! I have not been wanting to think about how soon it is coming just to keep focus on the week at hand and what needs to be done before leaving:

  • bulletins to church

  • 941 paid for April 15

  • Dept of Revenue paid this month

  • pack

  • Direct TV paid

  • phone bill paid

  • camera stuff organized

  • necklace ordered

  • boat payment ready for Kyle

  • tabs put on boat trailer

  • schedules finished at work

  • deposits made at work

  • payroll done

  • water plants

There's probably more that I am missing but will find out about those things when I get in and get these things done.

Found this picture and think it's great. When I get home I am going to get a herb garden going. This should be fun. It will smell good at least (:

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Remington

We went to West Richland to celebrate Remington's first birthday this afternoon. He was cute. Everything he opened he said "oh" and smiled. He is the happiest little guy ever. He liked these little cars. Kaylee had to get in on the action too. She was all about the presents, getting them opened that is!

Kyle got back from fishing but not with the big bucks this time. Oh well. Fun is the name of the game.

Home Runs At Softball!!!!!

Yesterday was the first league game for the Lady Eagles. They played in Ki-Be and won the doubleheader, easily. There were a total of 5 homeruns during both games; Ashley had 3 the first game, and probably could have had more if they would have pitched to her after the 3rd homerun, but they didn't; Kate had one during the second game and PAXTON had one during the second game!!! It was sweet.....right over the centerfield fence. She was so excited and so were we!! When I got to the game this little cherub was there....along with her dad, Shayla, Remington and Brad. It was nice to see them. I sat in my usual left field and they sat behind home plate so Kaylee spent a lot of time running back and forth. Here are some pictures from the game:

Love this shot of Grayson at bat

The first of Ashley's homeruns

Carissa for the tag

I sat so I could see both the varsity and the junior varsity games. Here is Marie.

The second homer for Ashley.

Kate warming up


Here's Eric, Remington and Kaylee

Noe and Marie
In between games

Kate's homerun

Paxton's at-bat
for a HOMERUN!!