Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Down.......

Art is awesome! Got the ole schedules adjusted so everyone has a full one, and numbers got crunched and totaled so we can get an idea of the number of sections that need to be offered....that much closer to a master schedule! GOOD work Marcie! We worked on it pretty much all day long, it went faster than fast. We got to start going over the numbers with Tim. Will finish that tomorrow...what a week! Paxton and I ran into town for the last minute shopping item: a converter for the computer and camera plug-ins. It was the last thing that I am going to get...besides a book to read on the many hours of plane time that lie ahead! We also stopped and saw grandma and poppa before we came home. They were so cute. Grey's Anatomy is on right now. It's a new show about the car crash with Arizona and Callyopie. It is a little weird in that they (the actors) are SINGING songs during the episode. Weird. Kyle hates it. He is complaining and rolling his eyes big time!

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