Sunday, March 27, 2011

Home Runs At Softball!!!!!

Yesterday was the first league game for the Lady Eagles. They played in Ki-Be and won the doubleheader, easily. There were a total of 5 homeruns during both games; Ashley had 3 the first game, and probably could have had more if they would have pitched to her after the 3rd homerun, but they didn't; Kate had one during the second game and PAXTON had one during the second game!!! It was sweet.....right over the centerfield fence. She was so excited and so were we!! When I got to the game this little cherub was there....along with her dad, Shayla, Remington and Brad. It was nice to see them. I sat in my usual left field and they sat behind home plate so Kaylee spent a lot of time running back and forth. Here are some pictures from the game:

Love this shot of Grayson at bat

The first of Ashley's homeruns

Carissa for the tag

I sat so I could see both the varsity and the junior varsity games. Here is Marie.

The second homer for Ashley.

Kate warming up


Here's Eric, Remington and Kaylee

Noe and Marie
In between games

Kate's homerun

Paxton's at-bat
for a HOMERUN!!



  1. love all the pictures. seems like that was us just a few years ago. Did you mom and dad get to see the homerun? I sure hope so.

  2. They were sitting on the hill just behind 1st base, well, between 1st and 2nd bases. They were cheering!!!!
