Monday, March 9, 2009

Where have I been??????

Basketball was a big part of my life the last couple of weeks!! The State Tournament was last week from Wednesday until Saturday. The girls ended up with the 6th place trophy!! Way to go Eagles!! Congratulations. School was a bit on the slow side towards the end of the week with lots of kids going to Yakima in support of the team. Spring sports started last week also so that was a hectic week!! They seem to be off and doing well. All the teams have a good amount of kids participating, with a few stragglers even this week.

YEAH!! Baseball and softball are here!!!
This last weekend Jan and I went to Tacoma to the WAEOP (Washington Association of Educational Office Professionals) Spring Conference. Our Accounts Payable/Receivable district person, Rhonda Quinton, was installed as the 2009-2010 President. We went in support of her...she did excellent!! Her, Arlene Ochoa, and Terri Cerna do a lot with the Association. We are proud of them. Here are some pictures from the practice session of the installation:

Arlene and Jan

Madame President, Rhonda!!

And, me!!
Jan and I roomed together. When we opened our curtains, here was our view:

The Tacoma Dome (-:

On Friday, after we got to Tacoma, we did some exploring of the 'old' Tacoma...the original part of the city. It was awesome!! We saw some AWESOME houses!! We also found a couple of treats: 2 schools that we have heard of but not known about them. Here are Annie Wright and Stadium High Schools:
(Annie Wright)
(Stadium High)
pardon the fence!! Stadium High School has their football, track, lacrosse (or whatever other sport that needs the field) down in a hole, with a view of the Sound. Oh my goodness!!! What a beautiful view and accomodations!! We were thrilled with this "find". The school used to be an Inn when Tacoma was first developed. The roof reminds me of something that might be found in Harry Potter (:

The ride across the Pass was good for us...both coming and going. It was closed various times during the weekend and even today. These pictures were taken on the way home, around 12:00 noon yesterday. They were taken from inside the car so there is some color distoration but it will give you an example of the snow.

Today was a crazy weather day also. Around 1:20 or so it started snowing at school. It snowed hard and heavy for a little bit and then stopped and melted off. Somewhere close to 2:00 it started again and continued for awhile, leaving a layer this time. It actually tried hailing. Weird. Jan and I stopped at grandma and grandpa's after school at 4:00 and it was not snowing. When we got ready to leave, around 4:30 here is what it looked like outside:

When we got to Owsley's house, it was not snowing and there was no sign of any snow on the ground (of course!!). Weird!! Here is what it looked like when I got home, around 5:00....
Clouds are just beautiful!! It has snowed on and off throughout the evening, but so far nothing has stuck here at home!!
The Junior Miss Pageant is this weekend. Marcie sent me a couple of pictures taken the week before last, at practice. Here is Briar and his partner, Maira:

The kids are having a fun time. This week is an intense week of practice and fine-tuning!! It should be a great program.

Just through this picture in because.....I wanted too!!


  1. welcome back to blogging! :) And - don't forget - it's a PROGRAM, not a PAGEANT!!!!

  2. SORRY!!!!! Way to set me straight!!!
