Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday....Again and Again

There were several of us at work today, that could have sworn it was Thursday for the 2nd time this week! Wednesday was Thursday...and then we got to have it again. Today.

Got my 2009 Blog Book ready to go today. Will try to get the 2010 one ready so I can get it ordered. They have "ship 3 for the price of 1" so I want to take advantage of that!

The wind is howling tonight. It can stop. The sooner the better.

I took a picture of my sidewalk the other day where my kids put their hands. They are growing up so quickly. In just a couple of weeks they are going to be 19 and 17 years old. I'm getting old.

Grey's is NOT ON AGAIN THIS WEEK!! This is making me mad.


  1. ME TOO!! Grey's....don't they know how much we look forward to it?!

  2. what is a blog book?
