Saturday, February 5, 2011

Residing the Pump House

Here's the project that was going after I got home from helping decorate for Erika's reception tonight:
YEAH!!! I looked over at it just THIS morning on my way out to the shop to get the car and thought to myself it was in bad shape and needed to be re-sided this year. I get home and presto! Looking good!

Here's the finished front and side:

What a beautiful day to be working on it. Just enough coolness that it was good to be out working in a jacket. I also burned the Christmas tree and got it off the porch. Nick picked up the leaves that I raked into piles, Brad worked on a saw that was needing some adjustment, Kyle sided and I helped when he got to the parts that he needed help with. Brad came over and helped cut pieces as it got later in the afternoon so that we would be sure to get it done. Here's the back:

I am so glad it got done!! Now all it needs is some paint. Hopefully that will get done before it has a chance to get ruined.
LOVE this picture of Kyle carrying the wood. This was taken right when I got home. He was in a fowl mood because something wasn't quite right and it sent him over the edge for a bit. I came back outside when he was done pitching his fit.

Here he is trying to be mad. Doesn't work so great when your wife is looking at you through a camera lense.

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