Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An Office Party

Here is a drawing from Kate, one of our 4th period aides:

LOVE it!!! Jamming out to Kate's music....like that's going to happen (:
That's Esther and I sitting on the file cabinet... Jessica is on top of it, dancing. Guess she is the shortest of us and would fit on the file cabinet instead of just sitting on it. You are a goof, Kate. But a great one! I love that Jan, Tim and Chris are dancing to the tunes also. Love Jan's go-go boots. Why is Cynthia standing on the chair I wonder??? Kate made this original drawing and gave it to Marcie. Marcie put it on her door and I made a copy of it for me. PRICELESS Kate! Good job!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! Can I steal it for my own blog? I'm going to take that as a yes! :)
