Thursday, January 1, 2009

Top Ten Lists

Goofing off yesterday produced these Top Ten Lists [items are listed in NO particular order!]

1. iPod
2. phone
3. texting
4. friends
5. family
6. Mountain Dew
7. hair straightener
8. money
9. clothes
10. Uggs

1. 20 years clean
2. fishing
3. dog
4. talking with Paxton
5. time with wife
6. ability to buy gifts that make people happy
7. snow
8. Thanksgiving trip to Oregon
9. cat
10. recieving oven pan liners for Christmas

1. my car
2. X Box
3. music
4. weight lifting
5. baseball
6. winning Fantasy Football
7. no school
8. money
9. football
10. Air Jordan

1. snapshots
2. the scenic route
3. travel
4. good book
5. love
6. individuality
7. friends
8. vacation
9. family
10. the real thing

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