Happy 2009!!
I posted yesterday, but didn't put any pictures up. I DID take pictures yesterday so I am still on track with my "want to" for 2009 {take pictures!!}. Here is a couple of Nick going to get the mail. He likes to do this everyday, except for Sunday...no mail on Sunday!! (-:
We truly got a blessing yesterday and today...Kaylee came over to spend the night!! It was fun. She is such a good baby, can't complain about anything!! She even slept good...I was a little nervous about this. All of our kids sleep through the night, or if they don't, they don't bug me with it. Here we go Backwards with a baby...I was nervous about sleep...She did great!! She went down at 9:00 pm, was up at 5:55 am for a diaper change and bottle, back to sleep by 6:20 am and awake at 8:50 am!! Nothing to fear; this time anyway!! (-:
Here are some shots of her, YES, I did take pictures yesterday and today!! (-:

I like Kyle in the background in this one!

She LOVES to blow bubbles...here she is gearing up!!

She has learned to roll over!! She even rolled over from her back to stomach and back to back!! SO SMART!!!!

Bath time!!! She got a nice warm towel straight from the dryer...wonder why I wasn't a good mom and do that for my KIDS!!! Guess it is one of those things saved for grandkids.

All ready for bed, in new jammies!!!

Grandpa let her stay up a little bit!!
I like Kyle in the background in this one!
She LOVES to blow bubbles...here she is gearing up!!
She has learned to roll over!! She even rolled over from her back to stomach and back to back!! SO SMART!!!!
Bath time!!! She got a nice warm towel straight from the dryer...wonder why I wasn't a good mom and do that for my KIDS!!! Guess it is one of those things saved for grandkids.
All ready for bed, in new jammies!!!
Grandpa let her stay up a little bit!!
Today's pictures....
This is the new packaging for baby food!! Crazy. No more jars, maybe they were too dangerous??? The solution: plastic!! Great for those landfills!!
Ready to go back to mommies.
This morning we awoke to Round 2:
Tuesday was having a blast.
Going to go work on a December book I am doing. Maybe I will get some more done and post some pictures tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that!!
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