Grandma and Grandpa Reeve sold their house and moved to the Coventry House in Othello. I went with mom this last week and checked it out. It was awesome. They are so cute there! The grounds are very well kept and their house is cozy and just what they need.
It was Frito Bandito Night at the Pond this last Thursday. Greg, Jan, Dad, Mom, Jeff, Jenna, the boys and Kennedy, Kyle, myself and the boys all went out and hung out for the evening. The boys went frog hunting and I went picture taking! Cash did take a great picture of the sun going down so I added that to this post as well. Good job, Cash!
The last group of pictures is from flying with Jeremy Friday night! That was a hoot!! He called and asked if I wanted to go......of course!! He took 2 trips. The first was Chance, Cash and myself and the second was with Jenna, Lane and Dawson. What an experience. I can't wait to go again. He took us over the ranch and our house. You don't remember how beautiful this country really is until you can see it from up above.
Enjoy the pictures!!
What a fun trip for you and Kathy! Looks like you're enjoying your (last few days) of summer. The pond = ideal summer nights!