Monday, July 27, 2009

Go! Go! Paxton!!

ANOTHER driver in the family!! Look out!! She is pretty good actually...

Here she is doing some kind of dance....not sure what it was all about, but she is having fun....go, Paxton, go Paxton!!

Actually, I believe she was showing me some cheerleading moves...she keeps threatening!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jennifer!
    A few questions:
    1. Can Kayelee BE any cuter?!
    2. What did you read when you were at the ocean?
    3. Why didn't I listen to your weak stomach warning before I looked at Briar's pictures!?
    4. How can you let Paxton on the road with the rest of us?! :)
    5. Can you come to CUMC church on Sunday, August 9th at 9:30am for a Mission Trip presentation? Paxton should be planning on coming...
    6. Miss you! (Not a question - definite statement!)
