Back from Spring Break...late. Our Spring Break officially ended yesterday, Monday, instead of Sunday like everyone else. We flew back from Mexico Monday afternoon, got into Seattle around 3:00 and home by 8:00 p.m. It was a good trip...fantastic wedding, a little on the hot side weather, good friends and what feels like family, and an all around not-to-long-away-from-home trip. Will be posting some pictures soon.
Got home from work today and moved into the yard [that is what happens when the weather shapes up and the sun decides to shine!]. I felt like mowing the lawn so I went out and the John Deere started right up! That was a nice surprise!! After the lawn I moved onto doing just little odds and ends. It was nice to get out of the house and start working on the outside appearance. My trees are starting to get little leaves on them and the lilacs are working themselves into fat little buds. Spring is a great time of the year.
After reading Marcie's blog I feel the urge to show you what project I am currently working on:
This bunch of material scraps is being altered:
Into this single braid....which will eventually turn into a rug! You know the one...all our great-grandma's had one in their house. The braided rug...I can hardly wait!!
This is it for now!! Good night everyone!
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