I'm not sure I totally understand this whole "Wii" thing but it certainly LOOKs fun (-:
We stopped at Mattie and Emma's after school to say goodbye (they are leaving to Hawaii for a vacation this weekend) and they drug us downstairs to see the "Wii". Mattie really gets into it!! Emma is a BIT more passive about it but she gets into it. They each have made up a "person" that they play with during their games. Here is Mattie:

And here is Emma's character:

Kind of grouchy looking: check out the eyebrows!!
They put in boxing and started it up....
Check out Mattie...getting her whole body into it!!
And her arms!!
She got knocked out by Emma.
Emma's turn: Mattie knocked her out!! They were having such a good time!
Tonight is Poker Night at dad's shop. A real man's night out!! Good luck Kyle. Bring home the money!!!
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