Here is this beauty sitting in the office at CHS!! Everyone has had fun coming in and checking it out. State still sounds good!!
Here's the best thing about the trophy, I think! This is great!! There are signatures underneath the trophy....from lots of football players, from lots of teams, from lots of years. What a fun thing!!
Dyrel and Michael adding their "claim to fame" signatures!
A Pep Assembly in honor of the champions.
Here he is, Marilyn...I told you Santa was REAL!!!
Our first dusting of snow for the season. Fine dusting it is!!
Colder than heck outside, but Kyle and Brad doing their yearly duty of lights on the house.
Be CAREFUL up there, buddy!!
Just like this shot so I thought I'd share. (-:
Marie turned 15 this year. Here she is getting her cake ready for all of us to enjoy.
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Big brother, Noe, home for the Christmas break.
Presents under the tree.
Paxton and Briar's Santas from kindergarten. Love them.
Here's the best part of Christmas: the opening of the presents.
This would be the one and only picture of Nicholas with a Christmas present. He did presents just like he does everything else....quickly! He had them all unwrapped before I knew what was going on. He didn't even save one for Christmas Day.
Here goes Chance.